First, business requirement were introduced by our internal company needs but it seems to me that they are and not very specific and are common enough.
Second, WSS-oriented solution helped us to use some nice advantages of SharePoint such as Active Directory integration, usage of SharePoint lists, several helpful controls etc.
In some cases we should have bent SharePoint to make all we need but it was quite nice experience.
Now let’s discuss the features with the help of pictures and screenshots.
1) Division into three site roles: Site administrator, Tutor and normal user.
a. Normal user can execute exams assigned to him by administrator or tutor, view his results, restore interrupted exams and that’s all.
b. Tutor has all the functionality of a normal user plus he/she can create exams and topics, add and edit questions to his own topics, use questions and topics of another users without possibility to edit or delete them, view his own exam results, assign his exams to users.
c. Site administrator has all the functionality of tutor without any limitations that is he can add, edit and delete any entity in the Quiz portal.
Figure 1. Administrator's main page
2) Three types of questions: Single choice, multiple choice and free text which is determined automatically regarding to the quantity of answers and correct answers among them.
3) Each question has its own weight ranging from 1 to 5.
4) Question could be formated in a rich way: styles, colors and fonts are up to you, at the same time you may use images in a question’s body which could be easily uploaded to the portal directly from question’s creation form.
Figure 2. Create Question interface
5) Every assignment has its Due Date so you can easily control the status of completion of exam by the users.
6) You can create exam in a very flexible way by utilizing any topic in one of the two forms:
a. You can take any percentage of questions belonging to topics or
b. You can take specific questions directly through UI.
Figure 3. Edit exam interface
7) Email notification of exams assigned to a user.
8) Exam statistics.
Figure 4. Exam statistics interface
9)Multi-language support in two forms:
a. Multi-language site templates in case several language packs are installed on WSS.
b. The possibility to switch the language in already created site.
Figure 5. Site in russian switched by one click.
Additional languages could be easily installed and this process doesn’t involve any kind of programming or recompiling the portal.
10) And many others...
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